
More Championships Info!

Good morning Piranhas families!

We have more information on Championships, which is now less than 2 weeks away! If you haven't signed up your swimmers yet, please do so ASAP; the deadline for entries has moved up to this Friday, so I've set RSVPs to close at 5pm that day. Don't miss out!

First things first: arrival times! Our warmup time is 7:25-7:45 in lanes 5-8. If you've not been to Champs before, you should know that finding parking and getting to our team area is no small task, so make sure you arrive early enough to get your swimmer over to the pool deck before warmups start so the coaches can get everyone in the pool as soon as they can.

Second, we will have a specific area around the outside of the pool fence at West Carrollton to set up our canopies. We don't yet have the map available to know if it's our usual area or not. The moment we have that map, Erin or I will send it out to everyone.

Third, we now have our volunteer spots for the meet. I've added them to the schedule, so they are available for signups now! Unlike the swimmer RSVPs, the signups will remain open until Champs is over, but get your name in there now if you want one of the Clerk of Course jobs (which are in the shade)! Please pay close attention to the progress of the meet if you've signed up for a shift. There's usually a flip sign on top of the lifeguard's tower that shows what the current event number is, if you're unsure. The last thing we want to have to do at this event is try to find a missing volunteer in the midst of such a huge, noisy group of people. Note to officials: there will be an officials meeting at 7:45 AM near the scoring tent.

Last, but not least, please remember that the same Code of Conduct applies to Champs as to the rest of the season. Emotions run higher at this event due to the nature of of the event, and sometimes with extended family coming to watch our swimmers, things can get...heated. Remember that we're all here to cheer on and support our swimmers, and to let the coaches and officials keep things running smoothly. Should you have a concern about anything, please come find a board member, and we will discuss it with the coaches. Only coaches are allowed to dispute actions with the meet officials, and our coaches have proven themselves to be very attentive to our swimmers, and proactive when something comes up. You, the parents and families of the Piranhas, have collectively been one of the most positive and supportive teams that I've seen in the 4 years my family has been part of the team, and I have no concerns whatsoever, so let's have another great turnout to cheer on our swimmers!

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