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Assisted Swim Overview

The goal of assisted swim program is to teach swimmers who are not yet ready to participate in a full practice due to insufficient technique and/or endurance.

To be considered for our assisted swimming program swimmers MUST:
• be no older than 8 as of June 1.
• jump into water independently.
• be willing to put their face in the water.
• be able to propel themselves through the water for 15-20 feet.

If your child does not meet the above requirements, then we suggest swimming lessons for this season. This is for their own comfort and safety as we want them to find joy in swimming and not become discouraged or overwhelmed. Assisted swim is designed to make young swimmers more comfortable by working in the shallow water as they learn about competitive style swimming, including stroke technique and starts for all 4 stroke styles.

There will be opportunities for the swimmers to participate in the meets with assistance and at the coach’s discretion. The assisted swim races are designed for ages 6 and under.

If you only have an assisted swim and/or Mini-Bites swimmers, you are not required to volunteer at the meets. HOWEVER, extra help is always needed and appreciated. If your swimmer advances from the assisted swim program, then you may be asked to fulfill the volunteer requirement.

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