
Signing up for swim meets

Hello Piranhas Families!

We are now in full swing with the season and just one week away from our first meet! All meets are available for swimmers to declare if they will be attending or not.  In order for your swimmer to attend a meet you must do these two things: turned in/or authorized your volunteer deposit and declare them as attending the meet.  It is critical to declare your swimmer so the coaches know who to sign up for events along with setting up relay teams.  There is a cut off for declaring your swimmer (generally two days before the meet date) so please watch these dates and our reminders as we send them out.

Below is a quick guide to help you sign up if you are new to the team.  You can use the SwimTopia app or click on this link https://www.casselhillspiranhas.com/swim_meets all assisted swimmer and swim team members need to declare in order to be placed in events. 

In the same link you can sign up for your volunteer shifts!  Jackie still has a few shifts for the first meet to fill so if you have not signed up yet and can work at this meet she would love to get those filled! 

Please reach out to any board member or seasoned parent for help if needed!  We are all in this together!

Thank you~Erin

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