
11 and Up Practice Time Change: Week of June 5

Hello Parents,

Due to colder than normal temperatures, the 11 and up practices will be from 8:30-9:30 a.m. for the remainder of the week. Swimmers should still bring shoes and socks with them for running in case the temperature is still too cold to get into the water to start. 

The team's weather policy states that if the temperature is below 60 degrees the team will do dry land practices until it has warmed up. 


We encourage all parents to download the SwimTopia Mobile App if possible. While we will always try to communicate through email and the team's Facebook page, going forward the SwimTopia App will allow for the most immediate information in case of last minute changes due to weather, especially in the case of storms that might make it dangerous to swim. The SwimTopia Mobile app is available through the Apple App Store and Google Play. You can learn more about using the SwimTopia Mobile app at https://www.swimtopia.com/tour/swimtopia-mobile-ap...

Thank you for your patience as we learn how to use our new system to make for the best possible experience for all our swimmers and families. 

Go Piranhas!

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