
Piranhapalooza Donations

Hello Piranha Family! I hope everyone is excited about swim team starting next week! Piranhapalooza is our team fundraising event that is always a blast. Our swimmers swim laps and receive donations from family and friends for the number of laps they swim.

During this event, door prizes are given to the swimmers. This is where you can help! Do any of you own a business or work for a business that would like to donate gift cards or physical items to use as prizes? Physical items can be anything you think kids or teens will enjoy (coloring books, toys, cups, candy, art, jewelry, stickers etc). You can donate items even if it’s not from a business.

If you think this is something you would like to help with, contact Jennifer Jones (fundraising coordinator) at [email protected]. Thank you so much! We are excited for an amazing swim season!

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